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Showing all 8 courses

    1.0 Hours, Category 1

    Diagnosis is one of the most important and challenging roles of being a dentist. Yet many practitioners find themselves overwhelmed when fac ... READ MORE

    2.0 Hours, Category 2

    This Seminar will take place on August 31st at 3:00 PM EST at the Palmtree Room at the Pineapple Hotel at 123 ... READ MORE

    1.0 Hours, Category 2

    In this webinar Dr. Ryan Greingirch provides and update and refresher on local anesthesia use in dental practices.

    4.0 Hours, Category 3

    Dr. Elenore Brush and Dr. James Provost outline how dental professionals can identify signs of oral cancer early and how to provide the best ... READ MORE

    2.0 Hours, Category 1

    Every patient is different, it is important to understand why. Dr. Ortega and Dr. Drake developed a series of courses to outline what makes ... READ MORE

    2.0 Hours, Category 1

    Every patient is different, it is important to understand why. Dr. Ortega and Dr. Drake developed a series of courses to outline what makes ... READ MORE

    1.0 Hours, Category 2

    This presentation will go live on August 15th, 2021 at 3:00 PM. A Webinar recording will become available afte ... READ MORE

    1.0 Hours, Category 2

    Since the legalization of Cannabis in Canada, there has been a swift increase in use in the Province of Ontario. Dr. Calliope and Professor ... READ MORE